
顯示從 10月, 2011 起發佈的文章

喬治六世: 宣戰演說

In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war. Over and over again, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies; but it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict, for which we are called, with our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. It is a principle which permits a state in the selfish pursuit of power to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force against the sovereignty and independence of other states. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrin

尤利安 最後的遺言

弗拉維烏斯·克勞狄烏斯·尤利安努斯(Flavius Claudius Iulianus, Apostata,331年-363年6月26日),英文作「朱利安 Julian」,君士坦丁王朝的羅馬皇帝,361年-363年在位。他是羅馬帝國最後一位多神信仰的皇帝,並努力推動多項行政改革。因其恢復羅馬傳統宗教並宣佈與基督教決裂,被基督教會稱為背教者。   最後的遺言 朋友們!弟兄們!離別的時刻就快到了!我帶着歡愉的心情走完人生道路。哲學使我得知靈魂超越肉體,能夠脫離高貴的皮囊,並非痛苦而是快樂。宗教讓我領會到早死是信仰虔誠的報酬,迄今為止我靠着德行和堅忍支持,是神明賜我恩惠,現在接受致命一擊,爾後使我不再有玷唇名譽的危險。由於我生前沒有觸犯罪行,死時也毫無遺憾。我很高興自己的私生活能清白無邪,也很有信心肯定最高神明對我的賜福,在我手中保持純潔和乾淨。 憎惡專制政體的腐化敗壞和草菅人命,我認為政府的目的是使人民得到幸福;我的行為都能遵從審慎、公正和穩健的規範,把一切事物都委之於天命。我的建議是要以和平為目標,長久以來和平與全民的利益息息相關,但是當國家在緊急關頭召喚我拿起武器,我就會獻身危險的戰爭,同時有明確的預兆,命定要在劍下亡身。現在我用崇敬的言行向不朽的神明獻上我感恩的心,沒有讓我在暴君的殘酷、陰謀的暗算或慢性的病痛中喪失生命,祂讓我在榮譽的事業和燦爛的生涯中告別這個世界。說來可笑,我還想拖追死亡的打擊,還有很多想要說的話,但是我的精力不濟,感到死亡即將臨頭。 我很小心地抑制不要說出任何話,以免影響到你們投票選出皇帝,我的抉擇可能考慮不夠明智。要是無法獲得軍隊的同意,我的推薦可能會危及他的性命。我僅以一個好市民的身分表示我的希望,祝福羅馬人能有一位賢明的君主。